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downloadThe Fat Muppets

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downloadRebel Without A Pause (Whipped Cream Mix)

downloadPwn Monkey

downloadPertaining To The Beat


downloadLike You Use Me

downloadJesus Carp (Son Of Cod)

downloadI Want a Cookie

downloadI Think I'd Like Belfast

downloadHillbilly Beatboxing

downloadThe Fool On The Hill - Major/Minor Swap

downloadFock It

downloadDon't Miss the Great Snatch


downloadBy The Time I Get To Arizona (Whipped Cream Mix)


downloadBaloney & Oates

downloadSwopepusher v3

downloadLive on BMIR @ Burning Man 2007


Browse through the postings in this section to find more MP3s, music, and articles about individual songs. Some of these songs have videos for them in the Videos section. There's also a few more MP3s in the Testing Area.

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MP3s of UbRadio #52 available

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Sunday, 25 January 2009 23:27

The Evolution Control Committee once again appeared as a guest on the UbRadio Salon.  MP3s of episode #52 (aired 07-Jan-2009) are now available for download/listening online.


Microsoft Wrongsmith... I mean, Songsmith

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Saturday, 17 January 2009 10:45

Meme du jour: Microsoft Songsmith, the band-in-a-Windows-box software that creates music for whatever you sing.  Actually, insert "cheesy" in front of "music" -- take a look at Microsoft's own cheesy commercial for the product and you're left wondering just who the indended market is for this thing.  The results are nothing you'll be releasing on YouTube anytime soon.  Or are they?

Some clever mashers figured out pretty quickly that a pop music vocal track can be fed into Songsmith, and -- er -- "something" will come out the other side.  YouTube already has a number of these Songsmith Mashups, but we decided to just go straight for the jugular -- using Microsoft Songsmith on the Microsoft Songsmith commercial itself:


We couldn't resist putting together a few Songsmih Mashups of our own too:


Three Velvet Underground mashups

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Tuesday, 13 January 2009 18:37

For the "I'll Be Your Mirror" show The ECC did three mashups with Velvet Underground material.  They were done live -- or rather, they were supposed to be done live, except TradeMark got carried away with other mashups and only got through one of the VU mashups... er, oops.  So these are rough mixes of all of them:


Unreleased MelloDeath Tracks

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Monday, 30 June 2008 10:17

In 1993, The ECC's TradeMark G. and Cassie Rogers teamed up as MelloDeath and released a cassette album of piano lounge covers of punk and hard rock hits.  Recently, DJ Empirical posted MP3s of the cassette album, in all their hissy glory.  T'was a nice walk down memory lane, and inspired us to upload two unreleased tracks which never made it out before MelloDeath imploded:


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