Live MP3s from Subgenius X-Day 14

Sunday, 06 November 2011 14:52



Subgenius X-Day 14 logoIt's surprising that The Evolution Control Committee hasn't played any events connected with the Church Of The Subgenius since 1991, considering the overlap between the two audiences.  Luckily 2011 was the year to fix that at the Subgenius X-Day 14 over July 4th weekend.  Why did we wait so long?  Subgenius style is a total match for The ECC, and our show went over incredibly well.  Well enough that Subgenius super-genius Rev. Ivan Stang played a good chunk of the show on episode 1324 of Hour Of Slack.  Well enough that it inspired others to request the whole thing from us.

Behold!  Here's the whole ECC performance.  Right-Click (Windows or Ctrl-Click (Mac) on the file name to download.  Enjoy.

ECC live at Subgenius X-Day 14 - July 2nd 2011.mp3 (58:29)

Heck, while we're at it, here's a DJ session from the follow day with Slander Bob.

Subgenius X-Day 2011 DJing with Slander Bob.mp3 (3:28:38)