The Sound Of Plaid radio show for 2009.10.27

Wednesday, 28 October 2009 09:21



In this episode: Hallowe'en & White Guy Covers.  Hour One provides some spooky disco and other eerie melodies, such as Soul Dracula, Poe For Moderns, and the rants of Francis E. Dec, Esq.  Hour Two is filled with White Folks Covering Songs They Probably Shouldn't Cover, many from Andrew Denton's Musical Challenge compilation, plus Public Enemy's "911 Is A Joke" done bluegrass, "Straight Outta Compton" done sensitive singer/songwriter, and "I Touch Myself" done Innuit throat singing style.  Plus a peak at an ECC experiment, "What Would You Do If I Sang Autotune".  Hosted by TradeMark and Fake Frilly.  Listen below or download for later:

Could you tell... that Fake Frilly wasn't the Real Frilly?