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All Your Base karaoke party

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Saturday, 21 March 2009 13:27

A long time ago, a meme was born.  It was no ordinary meme -- no, this meme was destined to be legendary.  Destined for grand things, destined for the history books.  And this meme was known as... "All Your Base Are Belong To Us".

Always ones to join a bandwagon, The Evolution Control Committee chimed in with gusto.  And so it was that a frenzied night of karaoke hunting and excessive drinking led to this -- seven well-known pop karaoke instrumentals with The ECC's TradeMark G. singing on top.  Except that all of the lyrics have been replaced by the All Your Base wordage.

It's complete madness, totally absurd.  And it's been one of our most popular downloads for years.

And we just realized that when the website was updated in 2008, the karaoke's weren't carried over.  Tragedy!  But easily solved:

Song Title: "All Your Base Are Belong To Us"
As performed by...

The ECCnirvana

The ECCjohndenver
The ECCbillyjoelpianoman
The ECCbillyjoel
The ECCelvis
The ECCdoors
The ECCbeatles


BONUS: One guy liked the ECCnirvana version so much he made a YouTube video of it... with, uh, a slideshow of unrelated anime stills:


EXTRA BONUS: A very clever DJ Empirical created a dictionaraoke track of The ECCjohndenver karaoke version... Memes. Meta. Parodies of parodies. We are echoes of other echoes...


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