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Sound Of Plaid Archive: Freeform XII

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Monday, 11 November 2013 11:51

Sound of Plaid logoThe Sound Of Plaid episode 2013.11.11:  Freeform XII

A freeform show, more or less -- Frilly picks the albums and TradeMark picks the tracks.  Exotica, whistling, ECC tracks from Gunderphonic, funky psychedelia, the debut of Shisho and more!

Download the episode, or listen to it now:

Band: Song:
Ferrante and Teicher Poinciana
Anubian Lights From Cookbook Compilaton
Fat Jon Triple Gold Daytons
Little Brother Atari 2600
Ocobar Featuring Geert Chatrou Loogaboo
Django Reinhardt Limehouse Blues
Marty and Elaine I Will Survive
Richard Hayman The Windmills of Your Mind
Enoch Light Petite Paulette
Yma Sumac Goomba Boomba
Shisho The Dead Milkman Song featuring The Dead Milkman
The Evolution Control Committee Stairway to Royalty Payments
The Evolution Control Committee The Mighty Hamburger
Tipsy remixed by We Mr. Excitement
Bambouche of the Vanguard Squad Operation Snatchback
Multiplication Rock I Got Six
Sound and Sense in Spelling  
Joya Sherrill Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater
Mandrill Peace and Love in 5 Movements mixed with Dr. Joyce Brothers
Cruella DeVille Two Dreadful Children
Marshall McLuhan The Medium is the Massage

Want more?  Pop on over to The Sound Of Plaid archives where you can find over a hundred full episodes of our radio show, ready for you to download or listen to whenever you want.  Free.


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