Dorkbot Photos & Video

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We had a good demo this week of our new video mashup screen at Dorkbot... missed it?  Then check the Flickr photo set to see what you missed:

setup by k0re2 speakers + mc by k0rerainbow heads by k0reP1030210 by k0re

trademark g by k0reP1030228 by k0reP1030233 by k0reP1030242 by k0re

P1030243 by k0retrademark g and diy video controller by k0retrademark g by k0reP1030250 by k0re

P1030256 by k0reP1030260 by k0reP1030261 by k0remulti-pt touch screen whiteboard wii hack  by k0re

michael shiloh by k0reP1030284 by k0reP1030402 by k0reP1030403 by k0re

And one video too!

trademark g's mutli-pt touch screen video controller for live mashup by k0re