Monday, 11 May 2015 06:15

General ECC News
This year is the 10th Maker Faire. Frankly, it should be on every geek's bucket list. We've participated many times, performing at five Bay Area Maker Faires starting with the very first ten years ago. It's been five years since our last one, a mind-blowing treasure trove of artistic and technology nerdy delights that packed in 100,000 people then -- a little scary imagining what it will like now...
We won't have to imagine for long: it happens this weekend and we'll be there. Participating for our first time in five years, we're flying to San Mateo California and signed on for the full ride:
Performance: The Evolution Control Committee performs with the nanoTar, and probably the Wheel Of Mashup, and very likely the Thimbletron too.
Yes, we're still figuring it out, but so are they -- this Maker Faire page lists SEVEN performances for us. I suspect 3 in a single day would be fatal. Now that we're on-site we've figured out the truth: ECC performs Saturday 7:30p to 8p on the Tesla Stage in the Fiesta Hall, right next to our booth.
>>> Maker Faire page
Booth: See and interact with custom music inventions we perform with such as the VidiMasher 3000! Get into a Wiimote Pillow Fight! Kinect hacks! The ECC invites you in to our toy box, our first booth since Maker Faire number one! Located in the Fiesta Hall right next to the stage/video screen.
>>> Maker Faire page
Presentation: Kinect Hacking In Max/MSP. Ever wanted to control something with the mere wave of your hand? Or play with 3D/depth sensing on the cheap? The $30 Kinect sensor is your answer. This primer is an introduction to Kinect hacking in Max/MSP. Saturday 1:30-2p on the Make:Electronics stage.
>>> Maker Faire page
THANKS to Sherry Huss and Maker Faire for reaching out to us and making our participation possible!