TradeMark GundersonSix Selected Works...and my CV. |
Birdless / Wingless
Doors, sensors, microphones, video loops
Birdless / Wingless presents a constructed world based on a dream I had where birds and their wings can separate. The installation welcomes visitors through doors which play autotuned sounds of squeaky hinges and bird calls. Inside is a table (another door actually, but horizontal) set with the posessions of a person obsessed with the phenomena: birdwatching reference books, handwritten notebooks of observations, feathers, strange electronic devices.
Also on the table is a filmstrip viewer showing a closeup video of birds, flying yet still, as their wings separate from the bodies one bird at a time. Next to the table is a standing bird cage, the floor of which shows a video of the wingless bodies clustered in a pool, wingless, yet unhurt. Behind the table is a large window on the wall, behind which plays a large video of the birdless wings flying free.
Mounted on the door/table are four microphones from which one can hear the voices of two conversants discussing what they've seen: where the birds gather, and how the neighborhood children like to play with the wingless bodies once they've fallen to the ground.
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Fruit Looper
DJ turntable, fruit, Kinect sensor, MaxMSP programming
The Fruit Looper is a dinner table that turns food into music. The table is tall, round, and set with plates and silverware for three or four people. In the middle of the table is a “lazy susan” turntable rotating continuously under an overhead lamp. A variety of fruits and vegetables are on the plates. When a fruit or vegetable is placed on the turntable a sound is heard, repeating once for each full rotation of the turntable. Each additional food placed on the turntable adds a new sound to the loop.
The dinner table is traditionally a social space where people share conversation and food. As with dinner, the Fruit Looper invites people to select raw ingredients to combine, producing new combinations for everyone at the table to enjoy using a domestic setting of the cocktail table and remixing it with interactive technology
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Church Bell Flash Mob
Church bells, DJ software
This was a live performance of a composition for church bells with synchronized "beat-matched" DJ accompaniment. The first performance (2012) was staged as a hit-and-run "flash mob" with people who showed up in costume (a hot dog, and many others) during a 10 minute window.
This video is of a second performance as part of a concert on June 9, 2013 accompanying other compositions for the chimes of Trinity Episcopal Church in Columbus Ohio. All compositions were commissioned by Finding Time: Columbus Public Art 2012.
All Rights Reserved
Music album
Since 1987 I have produced dozens of albums and performed over one thousand concerts internationally as The Evolution Control Committee.
My most recent album is All Rights Reserved. Like most of my music it is collaged from hundreds of uncleared samples. It also includes bonus features including a commentary track (like on a DVD movie) and remixable songs. It also features a Listener License Agreement, a lengthy legal contract like you would see and agree to while installing software. Although lengthy, the agreement's first requirement is the most crucial: the listener must agree not to listen to the album.
Like with software, most people will simply agree and ignore the legal contract. However for someone wishing to sue me for copyright violation, we can then countersue for their breach of our license agreement. We rarely consider the legal contracts we routinely agree to and their potential (but rare) consequences, and this disconnect is now part of our everyday modern lives. Leveraging that disconnect may one day provide me a legal advantage to defend my quasi-legal musical practice.
Even with the Listener License Agreement, All Rights Reserved was too hot for some to handle. Both the pressing plant as well as the distributor initially refused to handle the album.
Album download:
Fan video for "Stairway To Britney":
Tracklist: (CD)
1. Listener License Agreement (1:46)
2. What Would You Think If I Sang AutoTune (2:02)
3. Pertaining to the Beat (4:44)
4. The Shakes (2:39)
5. Don’t Let The Devil Blow Your Mind (4:32)
6. Stairway to Britney (2:44) -- fan video
7. Machine Love (2:54)
8. Pwn Monkey (2:42)
9. Listener License Agreement Reminder (1:14)
10. IGA Giant Pineapple Party (2:09)
11. Freaky People (3:08)
12. California Dreamings (1:40)
13. Like You Use Me (4:23)
14. Feel Like Breakin’ Love (4:42)
15. Hillbilly Beatboxing (4:27)
16. Fock It (1:57)
17. Is That All There Could Be? (0:33)
18. Media Trust (1:19)
The Wheel Of Mashup / VidiMasher 3000
Concert series
2005 to present
Among my 1,000+ concerts performed internationally as The Evolution Control Committee, a hundred or two of the most recent were mashup dance parties called The Wheel Of Mashup.
A recurring theme in much of my performance work explores a fundamental suspicion audiences may have of digital music performers ("Is he just answering email for the whole show?"). The Wheel Of Mashup provided "proof" of honesty and a chance for audience interaction. The Wheel Of Mashup is actually two independent wheels, spun by volunteers from the audience. The outer wheel lands on the music of a song; the inner wheel lands on the vocals/lyrics from a different song. The two are mashed together on the spot, demonstrating that the music isn't merely a pre-programmed mix but a live, interactive, and improvised performance.
This improvisation is possible thanks to my VidiMasher 3000, a rear-projected, infrared-based fake touchscreen. A laptop screen is projected on a translucent screen, and mouse movements and clicks are made with a special infrared light pen. Standard Nintendo Wii controllers are mounted near the projector which bridge the infrared pen actions to mouse actions on the laptop. As functional as any standard mouse, I created the VidiMasher specifically to work as a music controller to perform (rather than DJ) live mashup music (aka audio collage) in an improvised manner but with a mix and tempo polished enough for a club crowd. It also gives the audience an opportunity to watch how the music and musician work, giving literal transparency in the musician's actions and skill. It also looks much better than a glowing Apple logo for an hour.
Wheel Of Mashup video:
VidiMasher 3000 demo video:
Burning Man sound installations
MaxMSP programming, all-weather speakers, amplifiers, laptop
2007 to 2009
I created three site-specific sound installations for Burning Man, an annual arts and culture festival with over 50,000 attendees in the Nevada desert. These commissioned works were the main sounds visitors would hear when visiting the titular Man, and were the first audio installations ever invited by Burning Man for their coveted Man Base area.
The soundtracks ran continuously, 24 hours a day, for the 7 days of the festival. Most of them were created as an ambiant soundscape which slowly evolved over the week, undergoing many complete transformations in its sound. It was created in MaxMSP and dynamically generated a soundtrack of the resonant tones of US Army missile hulls, Yoda's swamp, weather sounds, and animals and insects you might heard if the festival hadn't been there.
Documentation video:
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 2012 - 2015 (MFA, Honor Society)
DeVry Institute of Technology, Columbus, Ohio, 1985 - 1987 (BS, Presidential Honor Society)
TradeMark Gunderson. Selected Works, Make Magazine Maker Faire, San Mateo, California
The Evolution Control Committee. Wheel Of Mashup, Make Magazine Maker Faire, San Mateo, California
The Evolution Control Committee. Church Of The SubGenius X-Day Drill, Pomeroy, Ohio
TradeMark Gunderson. Phase Shift (MFA Thesis Exhibition), Urban Arts Space, Columbus, Ohio
TradeMark Gunderson. Art And Technology Fall 2014 Student Art Show, Hopkins Hall Gallery, Columbus, Ohio
TradeMark Gunderson. El Error Maquinico, CENART, Mexico City, Mexico
The Evolution Control Committee. Church Of The SubGenius X-Day Drill, Pomeroy, Ohio
TradeMark Gunderson. Art And Technology Spring 2014 Student Art Show, Hopkins Hall Gallery, Columbus, Ohio
TradeMark Gunderson. Song For Crickets And Humans, Museum For Insects, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, Massachusetts
TradeMark Gunderson. Art And Technology Fall 2013 Student Art Show, Hopkins Hall Gallery, Columbus, Ohio
TradeMark Gunderson. Selected Works, Ingenuity Fest Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio
The Evolution Control Committee. Church Of The SubGenius X-Day Drill, Pomeroy, Ohio
TradeMark Gunderson with Kenny Lectro. Church Bell Mashup, Trinity Episcopal Church, Columbus, Ohio
TradeMark Gunderson. Art And Technology Spring 2013 Student Art Show, Hopkins Hall Gallery, Columbus, Ohio
TradeMark Gunderson. Art And Technology Fall 2012 Student Art Show, Hopkins Hall Gallery, Columbus, Ohio
The Evolution Control Committee. Church Of The SubGenius X-Day Drill, Pomeroy, Ohio
TradeMark Gunderson with Kenny Lectro. Church Bell Flash Mob, Trinity Episcopal Church, Columbus, Ohio
The Evolution Control Committee. All Rights Reserved release party at DNA Lounge, San Francisco, California
The Evolution Control Committee. With Mutaytor at Echoplex, Los Angeles, California
The Evolution Control Committee. Soundasaurus Festival, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
TradeMark Gunderson. Evolution Vs. Creationism (Christmas Tree), CCA Zamek Ujazdowski, Warsaw, Poland
TradeMark Gunderson. Radio Lab, Open Studios at CCA Zamek Ujazdowski, Warsaw, Poland
The Evolution Control Committee. Love Tech at the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California
The Evolution Control Committee. All Rights Reserved and None Respected Tour with The Bran Flakes
(4 cities) Seattle, Portland, Eugene, Olympia
The Evolution Control Committee. Wheel Of Mashup, Make Magazine Maker Faire, San Mateo, California
The Evolution Control Committee. Reels of Steel, ATA Cinema, San Francisco, California
The Evolution Control Committee. Big City Orchestra 30th Anniversary Performance, Café Du Nord, San Francisco, California
The Evolution Control Committee. Wheel of Mashup, Post XMass XtRAVAGANZA, San Francisco, California
The Evolution Control Committee guest appearances on UbRadio Salon, DFM International Radio, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Sound of Plaid weekly radio show begins weekly broadcast and syndication on Radio Valencia (San Francisco, California), DFM International Radio (Amsterdam, Netherlands), and Radio Kaos (Austin, Texas)
Evolution No. 9 (main sound installation), Burning Man festival, Black Rock City, Nevada
The Evolution Control Committee. Various performances, Ingenuity Festival, Cleveland, Ohio
The Evolution Control Committee. Wheel Of Mashup, Liquid Architecture Festival, Sydney, Cairns, Australia
The Evolution Control Committee. Wheel Of Mashup, Make Magazine Maker Faire, San Mateo, California
The Evolution Control Committee. Wheel Of Mashup, STRP Festival, Eindhoven, Netherlands
The Evolution Control Committee. Wheel of Mashup, Altered Barbie Closing Reception, San Francisco, California
Sound of Plaid weekly radio show broadcasts live on DFM International Radio, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Sound of Plaid weekly radio show is syndicated to FCC Free Radio, San Francisco, California
The Evolution Control Committee. I'll Be Your Mirror, Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, Ohio
The Evolution Control Committee. Wheel Of Mashup, Burning Man Decompression / Heat The Street Faire, San Francisco, California
The Evolution Control Committee. The Thimbletron, Ingenuity Festival Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio
TradeMark G. Space: The Vinyl Frontier, Deep Wireless Festival, Toronto, Canada
The Evolution Control Committee. Wheel Of Mashup, Make Magazine Maker Faire, San Mateo, California
Sound of Plaid weekly radio show begins broadcasting on Shouting Fire Radio, San Francisco, California
Cheese & Pants Theater. Samuel Beckett Festival, Las Vegas, Nevada
Zen Garden Soundtrack (main sound installation), Burning Man festival, Black Rock City, Nevada
The Evolution Control Committee. Wheel Of Mashup, Safari Sam’s, Hollywood, California
The Evolution Control Committee. Make Magazine Maker Faire, San Mateo, California
The Evolution Control Committee. Wheel Of Mashup (debut), DNA Lounge, San Francisco, California
The Evolution Control Committee. The Kitchen Of The Future (debut), Deep Wireless Festival, Toronto, Canada
The Evolution Control Committee. Make Magazine Maker Faire, San Mateo, California
The Evolution Control Committee. Opening of Mash-Up! Festival, Grand Arts, Kansas City, Kansas
The Evolution Control Committee. Sundance Film Festival, Park City, Utah
The Evolution Control Committee. US tour with Chromelodeon (13 cities)
Soundtrack for Nosferatu, Avant Garage Film Festival, Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, Ohio
The Evolution Control Committee. CMJ Marathon, Knitting Factory, New York City, New York
The Evolution Control Committee. ExperimentaClub ’04, Madrid, Spain
Solo musical accompaniment to dance by Marlon Barrios-Solano. XI Annual International Contemporary Dance Conference and Performance Festival, Bytom, Poland
The Evolution Control Committee. Open House Performance, Headlands Center for the Arts, Sausalito, California
The Evolution Control Committee. The Influencers Festival, Barcelona, Spain
The Evolution Control Committee. Festival of Appropriation, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Soundtrack for Chess Fever, Avant Garage Film Festival, Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, Ohio
The Evolution Control Committee. Impakt Festival, Utrecht, Holland
The Evolution Control Committee with Mark Hosler (Negativland). Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
CJ Pinch Rolla, 2003 Beige Records Cassette Jockey World Championship (1st place), Chicago, Illinois
The Evolution Control Committee. Version>03 Festival, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Illinois
The Evolution Control Committee. I.D.E.A.L. Festival, Nantes, France
The Evolution Control Committee. Tour of Germany and Holland (9 cities)
The Evolution Control Committee. Illegal Art Festival, Tonic, New York, New York
The Evolution Control Committee. Ether, Royal Festival Hall, London, England
The Weird Love Makers. Nosferatu (soundtrack) performed with silent film, Studio 35, Columbus, Ohio
The Evolution Control Committee. ElectroFringe / This Is Not Art Festival, Newcastle, Australia
The Evolution Control Committee Tour with Bablicon. Hamburg, Stuttgart, and Bielefeld, Germany
The Evolution Control Committee. Debut of Thimbletron instrument. Web/TV Festival, Milan, Italy
The Weird Love Makers. Soundtrack for Maya Deren’s Meshes In The Afternoon, Avant Garage festival, Cinemateque, Cleveland, Ohio
Gaga with KK Null. Mad Lab, Columbus, Ohio
The Evolution Control Committee with Operation Re:Information. OriCon ’99, Millvale Industrial Theater, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The Evolution Control Committee with Solex. Little Brothers, Columbus, Ohio
The Weird Love Makers. Nitrogen, Columbus, Ohio
The Evolution Control Committee with Impact Test
The Evolution Control Committee. Noise-A-Palooza, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Gaga. Café Ashtray, Columbus, Ohio
The Evolution Control Committee. Alien Environments and Babbling Worlds event
New Media Art / Robotics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Digital Image Manipulation, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
New Media Art / Robotics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Digital Image Manipulation, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
How To Reproduce Without Having Children, Starwood Festival, Pomeroy, Ohio
Kinect Hacking, Make Magazine Maker Faire, San Mateo, California
3D Digitization, Sherman Studios, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Subversion and the Music of Negativland, Zacheta Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
Plagiarhythm Nation: Appropriation in Electronic Dance Music, Pop Conference EMP | SFM, Seattle, Washington
Creating Sound Installations for Burning Man, Love Tech, San Francisco, California
Embodying Electronic Dance Music Cultures, Pop Conference, EMP | SFM, Seattle Washington
Artist Talk, Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, Ohio
Mash-Ups, Copyright, and Digital Culture, Popular Music And Communication, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, California
Mash-Ups and Digital Culture, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, California
The Intersection of Culture Jamming, Hacking, and Hacktivism, HOPE Hacker Conference, New York, New York
Mash-Ups and Digital Culture, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, California
Art Appropriation 101, Headlands Center for the Arts, Sausalito, California
Intentional Noise, New College, San Francisco, California.
Mashups and Digital Culture II, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, California
Development of Recording Technologies, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, California
Culture Jamming In The Post-9/11 Mindset, Webzine 2005 Festival, San Francisco, California
Culture Jamming and Anti-Advertising, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, California
Wicked Montage, Headlands Center for the Arts, Sausalito, California
Lecture / Q&A, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, California
Lecture / Q&A, The Influencers Festival, Barcelona, Spain
Couch Club Discussion, Impakt Festival, Utrecht, Holland
Access And Use: Copyright, The Public Domain & First Amendment Issues, 22nd NINCH Copyright Town Meeting, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio
Whose Domain: Creativity and the Internet, Outside The Lines symposium, Eugene, Oregon
Intellectual Property Workshop, Outside The Lines symposium, Eugene, Oregon
The Net: Surveilled Beat, Shopping Mall, or Graffiti Wall? TILT Festival, Sydney, Australia
Napster Nuggets, ElectroFringe / This Is Not Art Festival, Newcastle, Australia
Studio Assistant, Ken Rinaldo, Columbus, Ohio, 2014
Commission, Church Bell Mashup, Finding Time: Columbus Public Art 2012, Columbus, Ohio, 2012
Artist-In-Residence, Center for Contemporary Arts, Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland, 2010
Commission, Man Base Sound Installation, Burning Man, Black Rock City, Nevada, 2009
Artist-In-Residence, Headlands Center for the Arts (alumni visit), Sausalito, California, 2009
Commission, Man Base Sound Installation, Burning Man, Black Rock City, Nevada, 2008
Commission, Man Base Sound Installation, Burning Man, Black Rock City, Nevada, 2007
Artist-In-Residence, Headlands Center for the Arts (alumni visit), Sausalito, California, 2006
Artist-In-Residence, Headlands Center for the Arts (alumni visit), Sausalito, California, 2005
Artist-In-Residence, Headlands Center for the Arts, Sausalito, California, 2004
Ohio Arts Council Individual Artist Fellowship Grant in Media Arts, 2002
Interactive Electronics For Artists And Inventors, Kinect Theremin, 2013
Rock & Roll Report, CD Review: The Evolution Control Committee “All Rights Reserved”, October 2011
Radio Clash, The Evolution Control Committee “All Rights Reserved”, March 2011
Music For Maniacs, The Evolution Control Committee “All Rights Reserved”, March 2011
Rem Lezar Blog, The Evolution Control Committee “All Rights Reserved”, February 2011
ACM Interactions Journal, How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Hackers, March / April 2008
Columbus Alive, The Top 100 Columbus Albums of the Past 30 Years, Author, Chris DeVille, June 2008
The Press Democrat, Get Your Geek On, Author, Nathan Halverson, March 2008
Spin Magazine, Blunt Instruments, Author, Chris Baker, August 2007
Columbus Dispatch, Mashed Up, Author, Bill Eichenberger, February 2007
Make Magazine, Genuine Ingenuity, Author, Dale Dougherty, August 2006
CityLife (Las Vegas), CityLife Picks, Author, Jeff Inman, February / March 2005
Fabryka Tanca (Poland), Unstablevolution / Mash-Up, Author, A.J. Lowe, July 2004
Tendencias (Spain), Abril se Mueve, April 2004
U.S. News & World Report, A Beat All Your Own, Author, Ulrich Boser, January 2003
SF Weekly, Pop Philosophy, Author, Dan Strachota, September 2002
Columbus Dispatch, Bootleg Boom, Author, Erik Battenberg, June 2002
New York Times, Spreading by the Web, Pop's Bootleg Remix, Author, Neil Strauss, May 2002
Cool & Strange Music Magazine, Interview with The Evolution Control Committee, Author, Jeff Chenault, May 2002
Bizarre Magazine, Nobody’s Default But Mine, Author, Mark Blacklock, July 2001
Bizarre Magazine, Lords of the Files, Author, Mark Blacklock, June 2001
Columbus Alive!, Found Sound / The ECC Oversees Human Evolution Through Musical Innovations, Author,
J. Caleb Mozzocco, March 2001
Spin Magazine, Sound Files / Dummies for Napster, Author, Douglas Wolk, December 2000
NPR's All Things Considered, Sept 2000
LA Weekly, Thieves Like Us / MP3: Recontextualization is Your Best Entertainment Value, Author, Mara Schwartz,
July 2000
Bizarre Magazine, Listen to the Banned, Author, Mark Blacklock, June 2000
Spin Magazine, Rocked By Rape music review, February 2000
Radio Valencia (co-founder, radio producer, engineering advisor), 2010-Present
DFM International Radio (radio producer), 2009-Present
FCC Free Radio (engineer, radio producer), 2009-2010
Shouting Fire Internet Radio (co-founder, engineer, radio producer), 2008-2009
BMIR, Burning Man festival official radio station (engineer, radio producer, organizer), 2004-2008
KULT Radio, an unlicensed radio station (co-founder, radio producer), 2005
Mad Lab, an alternative theater and performance space (musical curator), 2000-2003
Burning Corn, an annual art event (founder), 2001-2003
Radio-Free 91.5 FM, an unlicensed radio station (co-founder, DJ), 2001
ele_mental, a central-Ohio electronic music collective (resident DJ, support), 1998-2000
Active Radio, a student-based alternative radio group (president), 1995-1997
Red White & FU, an annual alternatively-patriotic music festival (founder, organizer), 1991-1999
Talamasca Gallery, a performance space and coffee shop (show booking, etc.), 1993-1994
Café Ashtray, a weekly performance art venue at Acme Art Company (curator/manager), 1990-1992
Lyceum 23, an artists collective (organizer, installation artist), 1991-1993
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