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downloadThe Fat Muppets

downloadStairway To Britney

downloadSperms Got Germs

downloadRocked By Rape

downloadRebel Without A Pause (Whipped Cream Mix)

downloadPwn Monkey

downloadPertaining To The Beat


downloadLike You Use Me

downloadJesus Carp (Son Of Cod)

downloadI Want a Cookie

downloadI Think I'd Like Belfast

downloadHillbilly Beatboxing

downloadThe Fool On The Hill - Major/Minor Swap

downloadFock It

downloadDon't Miss the Great Snatch


downloadBy The Time I Get To Arizona (Whipped Cream Mix)


downloadBaloney & Oates

downloadSwopepusher v3

downloadLive on BMIR @ Burning Man 2007


Browse through the postings in this section to find more MP3s, music, and articles about individual songs. Some of these songs have videos for them in the Videos section. There's also a few more MP3s in the Testing Area.

Hungry for more?  Feast on the archives of our weekly radio show The Sound Of Plaid, with dozens of shows waiting for you to download or listen to right now!


ECC Ringtones

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Saturday, 02 February 2008 20:50

It seemed like the right time to make ECC ringtones.  Grab them all in one big ZIP file or one at a time:

Download for later... ...or Play Now!
downloadWhipped Cream Mixes

downloadThe Turning Throat

downloadRocked By Rape

downloadPotent 2005

downloadPertaining To The Beat


download7-Up Mashdown



Chart Sweep

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Saturday, 02 February 2008 17:43

This originally came to me on cassette from a work friend who knew I was a record junkie and she thought I might like it. If I recall the story, she knew somebody who had meticulously collected all of the 45 RPM records of every consecutive number one song, starting in 1956 when the charts began and 45s of the #1 songs were routinely released, ending in the 1990’s when 45s were no longer done for each #1 song. A few seconds from each song has been extracted, compressing many hundreds of songs into just the space of this CD. The cassette, a poorly recorded normal bias copy of a copy (of a copy, of...?) needed work.  It has now been equalized, noise reduced, and harmonically distorted so it’s at least listenable.

The only liner notes included with the original cassette are that it was compiled by Hugo Keesing.  I created some basic CD artwork ( JPG | PDF ).  You can download the tracks by right-clicking (Windows) or ctrl-clicking (Mac) in the playlist.


Epilogue: Hugo has been found!  Thanks to some sleuthing and legwork by Wobbly, Hugo Keesing has been tracked down and the full story of Chartsweep has been revealed in a Q&A with him on the Some Assembly Required blog.


Crate Digger Death-Match, Round One

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Friday, 11 January 2008 07:14

Crate Digger Death-Match logoOn January 5th 2008, The ECC competed against 11 other remixers in the Crate Digger Death-Match. The Challenge: with only $12 of materials, create at least 12 minutes of music in only 12 hours.

It was brutal. Only half of the competitors even managed to finish. For those that did, their music -- 6 songs of 2+ minutes each -- will be judged by 3 judges. Also, each competitor chose a "hit song" to be judged by a 4th judge... the public. (If it's not too late, please visit the voting page and vote for The ECC's track, Boom-a-lakka-boom) The results will be announced on January 14th.

Here are all six of The ECC's songs:


Read on for commentary and reax about being in the first ever Crate Digger Death-Match:

Read more: Crate Digger Death-Match, Round One


Listen Up

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Sunday, 14 October 2007 17:05

Let's try a post with some jammin' new tunes in it, shall we?




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