The Frequinox! (next Inspiration Manifestation party, 17 March 2012)
Wednesday, 29 February 2012 10:48
The ever-hustling Kickin' Crew responsible for the Inspiration Manifestation shows has another great one planned: The Frequinox! They've invited The ECC to participate once again, and this time they'll get their wish (and our wish too) of a Thimbletron show. Plus other bands (Relentless Mules (bluegrass!); Teen Fiction, Shank Bones), DJs (Heady Ruxpin; Kenny Lectro), art, costumes, live painting, drink specials, and a lot more -- these shows are always PACKED!
WHAT: The Frequinox, A Prequinox to the Equinox
WHEN: Saturday, March 17 2012 / 5p-2a
WHERE: Rumba Cafe / 2507 Summit St / Columbus, OH
HOW MUCH: $7 (bonus $2 drink voucher if you come in costume!)