ECC MP3s For Sale

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General ECC News

In spite of our scientific achievements in cutting edge music technology, one things we've managed to avoid is selling MP3s.  There have been many reasons for this, not least of which is that we can't get the dang things to stay still long enough to slap a price tag on them.  But now we've managed to get a cap on 'em -- a SNOCAP, specifically -- and opened a SNOCAP store of ECC MP3s.   We're testing the waters with Ritalin Ruckus v2 as well as a collection of new and unreleased ECC tracks.

TIP:  Forget their 30 second previews, and listen to the whole song in the player at the top of our MP3 page.


To celebrate the store opening, we're turning the prices upside down:  99 cent tracks?  NO --

66 cents a track!

  Good until we get tired of silly marketing games.