Thanks, Australia!

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General ECC News

Down Under: Done!

Thank you, Australia -- it was great to see you dancing and partying with The Evolution Control Committee and our little Wheel Of Mashup show.  Our shows in Sydney and Cairns were both great times, as were the rest of the festivals our shows were part of.  We have many recordings, photos, and videos to sift through and share after our next travels -- until then, check out the Liquid Architecture blog for a very favorable review of our show there.  Here's hoping for a quick return and the chance to hit more cities across Australia!

Big thanks to the festival organizers: Shannon O'Neill and Jen Teo (Liquid Architecture Festival), and Nicholas Mills (On Edge Festival), and to Brent Clough (The Night Air, ABC), Jamie and Aspa (Mu Meson Archives and The Naked City), Hermann's Bar, and Mofo Gallery.