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The Weird Love Makers

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Monday, 27 July 2009 10:37

The Weird Love Makers was a band spanning most of the 1990's with The ECC's TradeMark Gunderson collaborating with Jeff Central / Chenault and Greg Fernandez (Good Cue Sign, Sex Musicians).  Their music was erectronica -- electronica + erection+ exotica -- instrumental (no vocals), largely improvised, and heavily influenced by Tipsy. TradeMark would create the core rhythms mixing sampled lounge loops heavily stolen from Enoch Light and Command Records, with Jeff triggering various additional samples and Greg playing the craziest mess of record loops (with a salt shaker riding the record to keep it looping!) and cassette tape loops on a thrift-store's-worth of mutilated old stereos.

Oh, and where does the "Weird Love" come in?  For one thing, we would read excerpts from the Psychopathia Sexualis between songs.  And for another, Jeff and Greg's previous band was the Sex Musicians.

Although we put out a self-titled debut album on cassette, we somehow avoided getting out a release of our later material, which added electronic beats and longer/better loops from the sampler I upgraded to.  Here's four tracks I MP3'd back in 2001 from an even older live show recording (unknown date/venue).

And here's a full concert recording of a show sharing a bill with Jack Neat (which we thought was "Jack Meat"... we are the Weird Love Makers, after all) at Stache's, a Columbus Ohio night club that later became Little Brothers before closing permanently in 2008.

The Weird Love Makers
Live at Stache's, Columbus OH
Playing Time: 63:14

Download the MP3 or listen now:

This show was one of our larger ones, and I recall for this show that we dragged the bright green comfy chair and floor lamp to the show from my living room, so I could read those excerpts while seated comfortably.  Wearing a fez.  Actually I think we all wore fezzes.  We often did.

Although I only stumbled across the DAT tape of the above concert recently, I've had a recording for years of a radio interview we did a few hours before the concert -- first half is Weird Love Makers, second is about our Party Like It's Only $19.99 compilation album:

TWLM Interview on Radio Free In The Hood (41:27)

- TradeMark G.


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