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downloadThe Fat Muppets

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downloadSperms Got Germs

downloadRocked By Rape

downloadRebel Without A Pause (Whipped Cream Mix)

downloadPwn Monkey

downloadPertaining To The Beat


downloadLike You Use Me

downloadJesus Carp (Son Of Cod)

downloadI Want a Cookie

downloadI Think I'd Like Belfast

downloadHillbilly Beatboxing

downloadThe Fool On The Hill - Major/Minor Swap

downloadFock It

downloadDon't Miss the Great Snatch


downloadBy The Time I Get To Arizona (Whipped Cream Mix)


downloadBaloney & Oates

downloadSwopepusher v3

downloadLive on BMIR @ Burning Man 2007


Browse through the postings in this section to find more MP3s, music, and articles about individual songs. Some of these songs have videos for them in the Videos section. There's also a few more MP3s in the Testing Area.

Hungry for more?  Feast on the archives of our weekly radio show The Sound Of Plaid, with dozens of shows waiting for you to download or listen to right now!


Survive-All Fallout Shelter Radio Ads

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Friday, 28 March 2008 17:55

As you might expect, The ECC holds a mighty, massive archive of strange recordings for use as source materials.  Occasional nuggets from the archive can be downloaded and enjoyed in posts over at Dinosaur Gardens.  The latest:

Survive-All Fallout Shelter Radio Ads

The international struggles of our world may lead to… (ka-boom) NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST!

Nothing lends itself better to a fear-based advertising campaign than your family’s radioactive death. So when the Mort Kridel Advertising Agency was asked to create a radio ad campaign for Survive-All Fallout Shelters, they did their PR-darnedest to scare the Wonder Bread crap out of nuclear families everywhere.  [...]

Visit Dinosaur Gardens for the rest!


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