ECC News
Long before computers made it easy to be a copyright criminal,
The ECC was violating copyright laws the hard way.
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RURobot? Robot Art Show this Friday
Wednesday, 05 June 2013 05:25
Robots! Who doesn't like robots? Those shiny, lovable, and oh-so anthropomorphic icons of the future have given us decades of dreams of owning our own guilt-free slaves... as well as nightmares about them becoming our guilt-free subjugators.
They've also given us decades of art. Years ago it was all science fiction, back when the term was so new they pronounced it "ro-butt" with no emphasis on either syllable. But now we live in the future, where actual robots make many of your mass-produced goods and a few find a place in the geekier homes for vacuuming duties. And although the Roomba isn't as wise-cracking and multipurpose as Rosie from The Jetsons, it nonetheless bodes well for a bright future of robot butlers and metal maids for all.
The Evolution Control Committee joins the celebration with a new live performance exploring the vocoder, that unique device that makes your voice sound like a robot. Expanding on our two-part radio special we combine DJing with discussion and readings all about the surprising history of the vocoder, using music and text from Dave Tompkins' excellent book How To Wreck A Nice Beach. Learn a little while gettin' down to some great retro robot jams!
WHAT: RURobot? Robot Art Show (presented by Gallery 831 & Art Party Columbus)
WHEN: This Friday, June 7th 2013 / 6p-9p (ECC after 7pm)
WHERE: Clayspace/Gallery 831 / 831 S. Front Street, Columbus, Ohio 43206 [map]
HOW MUCH: ** Free! **
Facebook Event:
Props from BoingBoing, Aquarius... anywhere else?
Friday, 11 February 2011 11:10
Kind words about our new album are starting to come in -- this morning from the blog's blog BoingBoing and last week from the perennially awesome record store Aquarius. Anywhere else? Let us know!
Archives & MP3s Restored!
Monday, 30 June 2014 15:13
FINALLY! Our Sound Of Plaid archives and MP3 page are back and serving sounds for your leisurely listening and downloading delight. Our radio show still happens every week and our Sound Of Plaid archive has swelled to over 230 shows! You can listen to any of them straight from the page and download as many as you want for free (but we wouldn't say no to a donation). Our podcast link should now be operating normally too. Now that we see our MP3 page offerings for the first time in a while, they're now a bit dated... sorry, but we'll try to get some fresh stuff up there in another week or two.
(Thanks to hn3000 for the php help in fixing this!)
Play With Our Toys! Saturday @ Connector Series
Wednesday, 06 March 2013 12:12
Ever wanted to try your hand playing our instruments like the Thimbletron or the VidiMasher 3000? Here's your chance!
This Saturday TradeMark and Frilly will show off the Evolution Control Committee's arsenal of secret weaponry for the Connector Series at the Columbus Museum of Art. We're honored that the CMA Center For Creativity picked us for the very first of the series, and we won't disappoint: for the first time ever we're inviting the general public to play with the gear with which we've performed hundreds of concerts worldwide. We'll even have brand new installations set up as well, including the Wiimote Pillow Fight, the Kinect Theremin, and (shown here) the Object Turntable.
TradeMark's Playhouse will be open this Saturday only! Don't miss it!
WHAT: The Columbus Museum Of Art and Center For Creativity present: Connector Series #1
WHEN: This Saturday afternoon, March 9th 2013, 1p-4p
WHERE: Columbus Museum Of Art, 480 East Broad Street, Columbus Ohio
HOW MUCH: Standard museum admission $12 / students $8 / free parking
Make sure to check out the Rothko exhibit too!
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