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Sound Of Plaid Archive: St. Patrick McGoohan's Day

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Tuesday, 18 March 2014 05:29

Prisoner logoThe Sound Of Plaid episode 2014.03.17:  St. Patrick McGoohan's Day

Forget St. Patrick's Day, we're celebrating St. Patrick McGoohan's Day!  The author of the cult TV series The Prisoner, Patrick "Number 6" McGoohan took a stand against conformity in this surreal allegory of a nameless spy kidnapped to a resort prison island.  Today we hear music from the series plus music inspired by it, with ample discussion of the show's meaning and impact on today's culture.

Who is No. 1?
You are No. 6.
I am not a number...
I am a FREE MAN!

Download the episode, or listen to it now:

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