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Sound Of Plaid Archive: Experimental Unplugged

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Monday, 21 July 2014 10:38

Sound of Plaid logoThe Sound Of Plaid episode 2014.07.21:  Experimental Unplugged

Before electronics made it easy, musicians had to get weird the hard way.  In this episode we explore unusual and influential music that pushed the boundaries of composition and instrumentation.  From prepared piano to sound sculpture, from Moondog to Weddell seals, these are the strange sounds of an analog world.

Download the episode, or listen to it now:

Band: Song:
Angus MacLaurin Secret Handshake 1
Renaldo And The Loaf Bali Whine
The John Benson Brooks Trie Avant Slant (one PLUS I = II?)
Einsturzende Neubauten Ein Seltener Vogel
Andrew Poppy The Object Is A Hungry Wolf
Ferrente and Teicher Blue Skies
Stephen Scott Sun Catcher
Conlon Nancarrow Study for Player Piano No. 13
Conlon Nancarrow Study for Player Piano No. 17
Conlon Nancarrow Study for Player Piano No. 36
John Cage Three Dances for amplified prepared piano
Harry Bertoia Sonambient: Ocean Mysteries
Kotekan Lift-Off (Peck)
Pierre Henry Vars Pour Une Porte Et Un Soupir
Hilton Kean Jones Eastmontage
Douglas Quinn Weddell Seals (Underwater)
Stomu Yamash'ta Red Buddha
Moondog Death, When You Come To Me
Moondog Instrumental Round, Double Bass Duo, Why Spend The Dark Night With You?
Moondog Moondog's Symphony 1 (Timberwolf)
Iannis Xenakis Charisma

Want more?  Pop on over to The Sound Of Plaid archives where you can find over two hundred full episodes of our radio show, ready for you to download or listen to whenever you want.  Free.


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