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Sound Of Plaid Archive: Bastille Day

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Monday, 14 July 2014 12:18

Sound of Plaid logoThe Sound Of Plaid episode 2014.07.14:  Bastille Day

Happy Bastille Day! Francophile Frilly grabs the reigns to curate our whole show of French music!  From the 20's to the 2000's, vintage to nouveau, Piaf to Perrey, it's 2 hours of tres bon chansons!

Download the episode, or listen to it now:

On MixCloud too:


The Sound Of Plaid episode 2014.07.14: Bastille Day by Evolution Control Committee on Mixcloud

Band: Song:
Frehel La Conga Bilcoti
Marty Le Petit Chaperon Rouge
Keren Ann Jardin D'Hiver
Amelie Les Crayon Petit Cailou
Carla Bruni Quelqu'un M'a Dit
Josephine Baker J'ai
Edith Piaf L'Accordeoniste
Thomas Fersen Au Cfe De La Paix
Coralie Samba De Mon Coeur Qui Bat
Jean Jaques Perrey Mood Indigo
Jean Jaques Perrey Soul City
Serge Gainsberg Comic Strip
ComaR Comic Beat
dj BC J'aime Biggie
Yold Initials D.D.
Serge Gainsberg Initials B.B.
DJ Y alias JY Skee Lo and Clyde
Amelie Les Crayon Ta P'tite Flamme
Camille Paris
Unknown La Femme Est Faite Pour L'homme
Joe Dassin Les Champs Elysee
Mylene Farmer Fuck Them All
Edith Piaf La Vie En Rose
Bridgit Bardot La Soleil
Edith Piaf Hymne A L'amour
Benjamin Biolay Belle Epoque
Danielle Darrieu Le Premier Rendez-Vous
Nouvelle Vague Let Me Go
Nouvelle Vague Human Fly
Nouvelle Vague Killing Moon

Want more?  Pop on over to The Sound Of Plaid archives where you can find over a hundred full episodes of our radio show, ready for you to download or listen to whenever you want.  Free.


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